Get around Modsecurity Rule 350147

Hello, Here's a fix for Mod Security Rule 350147 which you can run into when you use CKEditor for instance to save html with PHP.

Let's say your textarea has the name orange

      textarea name="orange" id="" cols="30" rows="10">

Add _html to the end:

      textarea name="orange_html" id="" cols="30" rows="10">

Is it infuriating that this is necessary? yes, but this solved it for me.

ModSecurity: Access denied with code 403 (phase 2). Match of "rx ((?:submit(?:\\\\+| )?(request)?(?:\\\\+| )?>+|<<(?:\\\\+| )remove|(?:sign ?in|log ?(?:in|out)|next|modifier|envoyer|add|continue|weiter|account|results|select)(?:\\\\+| )?>+)$|^< ?\\\\??(?: |\\\\+)?xml|^> ?$)" against "ARGS:orange" required. [file "/etc/apache2/modsecurity.d/rules/atomic/modsec/10_asl_rules.conf"] [line "1065"] [id "350147"] [rev "152"] [msg " WAF Rules: Potentially Untrusted Web Content Detected"] [severity "CRITICAL"] [hostname ""] [uri "/bolt/editcontent/startseite/1"] [unique_id "Vi3Vez6SO6gAAChxvk0AAAAB"]

Written by Andreas Wildi on Friday March 2, 2018
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